
September 9, 2013
The 14 point draft nationwide ceasefire accord presented by the ethnic armed movements was in principle accepted by the government’s technical team,...
September 9, 2013
The Myanmar government, UN Office of Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and Reunification Council of Shan State/Shan State Army (RCSS/SSA) had agreed to jointly...
September 9, 2013
More than 500 civil society organizations (CSOs) will send letters to the Lower House Parliament and embassies to protest against the Association Law...
September 9, 2013
Ethnic parties have announced that a report to amend the Constitution shall be prepared by the National League of Democracy (NLD) together with...
September 9, 2013
A leading women’s activist has been jailed after leading a peaceful protest against copper mine project, sparking outrage from human rights groups,...
September 9, 2013
The Thai Journalists Association (TJA) and Myanmar Journalists Association (MJA) signed a seven-point memorandum of understanding in Bangkok,...
September 9, 2013
About 100 Kachin war refugees remain trapped in the isolated jungles of Putao District in Burma’s northernmost Kachin state, according to sources...
September 9, 2013
Burma's armed forces exchanged gunfire with forces loyal to the Kachin Independence Organization (KIO) in northern Shan state recently, according to...
September 9, 2013
Government forces have been harvesting fruit and other crops from farms owned by displaced Kachin families, some of the angry farmers told the Kachin...
September 9, 2013
A local militia unit in full uniform and brandishing rifles allegedly robbed 20M Kyats from a Rohingya family in Maungdaw Township on Sept. 3,...
September 7, 2013
The Myanmar Wanbao Copper Mining Ltd, operating the copper mining project in Salingyi Township, will appoint residents from 26 villages in the...
September 7, 2013
The seized land Investigation Commission said that they are facing problems while investigating land seized by the military, since they do not have...
September 7, 2013
The Former Political Prisoners Group announced that the government has given them assurance to prioritize political prisoners who were sentenced for...
September 6, 2013
Four Arakanese community leaders from Kyauk Taw in Arakan State have been convicted by the township court for their involvement in protest program...
September 6, 2013
Kyaw Soe Win, General Manager of the Myanmar Post and Telecommunications said that they are installing 4G internet network at SEA Games venues in...
