
March 20, 2008
New Delhi – Authorities at the Mandalay Technological University are transferring graduate research scholars to locations across Burma, according to...
March 19, 2008
Chiang Mai – The Burmese censorship board on Tuesday permitted the Rangoon-based 'Myanmar Nation Journal' to recommence publication, after being...
March 19, 2008
New Delhi - Parliamentarians of Burma's disregarded 1990 election, today urged the people to boycott the ruling junta's planned 'roadmap' including...
March 19, 2008
New Delhi - Ibrahim Gambari, UN special envoy to Burma, told the UN Security Council on Tuesday that he is disappointed that his latest visit to the...
March 19, 2008
In a bid to acquire public approval for the draft constitution, authorities of the State and Peace Development Council (SPDC) are pushing for and...
March 19, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State : The Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) Chairman Myint Maung of Maungdaw Township has slapped a fine of kyat 200,...
March 19, 2008
The Burmese military junta is systematically preparing for the referendum in May, threatening civil servants into supporting the draft constitution,...
March 19, 2008
Chiang Mai – The 'All Burma Monks Alliance' (ABMA) on Tuesday urged monks to boycott the religious examinations of Dhama Sariya and Pali. The...
March 19, 2008
The Wa National Organization (WNO), a non-ceasefire Wa group, will never surrender until its call for democracy, human rights and ethnic rights has...
March 19, 2008
A team of immigration officials of the Burmese junta has once again collected a list of the names of residents around the villages of Sumprabum town...
March 18, 2008
Five villages were forced to work for a military camp in Dawtamagyi village. A joint force of the Light infantry battalion 427 from Burma Army and...
March 18, 2008
Mon Youths from inside Burma and along the borders gathered for discussions about the constitution and made plans for the ensuing referendum if Mon...
March 18, 2008
Maungdaw: Burmese border authorities have restricted the number of travelers allowed into Bangladesh on a seven day visa to 25 per day, through the...
March 18, 2008
New Delhi - United States lawmakers on Friday proposed a Congressional resolution urging the President to call on the United Nations to reject the...
March 18, 2008
The New Mon State Party (NMSP) must be ready if it does not plan to either support the referendum or involve itself in the elections, said Mon...
