
January 16, 2009
Burma's military junta on Wednesday released six members of the opposition party, who had been arrested and detained for two weeks, for staging...
January 16, 2009
Foreign visitors were under close scrutiny by security agents of the Burmese ruling junta during the Kachin Manau Festival on the 61st anniversary of...
January 15, 2009
To promote production of gems and jewellery, Burma's Ministry of Mines said it is allocating six blocks in three states to local entrepreneurs to...
January 15, 2009
The State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) of the Burmese military junta has been increasing army deployment on the Burma-Bangladesh border with...
January 14, 2009
A Chinese company has been constructing roads even as it digs for nickel and uranium in the mountains of Mwe Taung in Chin state, Myanmar. Nickel and...
January 14, 2009
Ten tanks were secretly stationed in north Arakan on December 29, 2008. They were brought from Burma proper and arrived at about 2 am at the...
January 14, 2009
The 'National Coalition Government of Union of Burma' (NCGUB) in exile will elect its new Prime Minister at a meeting to be held in Ireland this...
January 14, 2009
The newly formed Shan State Congress's Executive Committee will hold its first meeting on January 30 on the Thai-Burma border, following the decision...
January 14, 2009
Thai authorities have issued extension of work permits for migrant workers from Burma, Cambodia and Laos where they are to receive one year work-...
January 14, 2009
Electricity worth 697.5 megawatts will be produced by four hydropower projects in Arakan State, if all goes according to plan, Electric Power...
January 14, 2009
Gearing up for the ensuing general election that the ruling junta has proposed for 2010, a few politicians in Bogale Town in Irrawaddy division held...
January 14, 2009
The National Unity Party (NUP), which supports Burma’s military government, is growing summer paddy in an attempt to build support for the coming...
January 14, 2009
A United States-based Freedom House in its annual global release on freedom in the world, has ranked Burma among the 'worst of the worst' countries,...
January 14, 2009
Over 170 Burmese migrant workers were arrested yesterday when Thai officials conducted an immigration raid on a shrimp factory in Mahachai, Samut...
January 14, 2009
A rights group, Refugees International (RI) from Washington, D.C called on the Government of Thailand to change their policy towards boat people, who...
