
February 10, 2009
Burma campaign groups from 13 European countries have urged the European Union to strengthen its policy of sanctions on Burma and to pressure the...
February 10, 2009
Indonesia said it is allowing the United Nations Refugee agency access to nearly 400 Rohingya boatpeople, who were rescued from Sabang Island of Aceh...
February 10, 2009
Panic has led to a mass exodus of Chinese from Maijayang (Mai Ja Yang) business centre, Kachin State where casinos abound. Over 1,500 people, almost...
February 9, 2009
Under age boys are being recruited forcibly as soldiers in the Burmese Army in Chin state, western Myanmar. Three boys, about 13 years of age in...
February 9, 2009
A right group, Neeti Gabeshana Kendra, invited writers, politicians and human rights defenders at Dhaka Reporters Unity on February 7, to discuss for...
February 9, 2009
Nearly 100 multi-organizations world wide have condemned Burma and urged it to end the systematic persecution of the Rohingya ethnic minority and...
February 9, 2009
Washington has expressed its willingness to take part in a joint patrol of the Bay of Bengal but ruled out building a new US military base in...
February 9, 2009
The Main Committee of the 62nd Mon National Day will host the annual celebration in Beelu Kyun Island on February 10, 2009. The MND promises to be...
February 6, 2009
In a drastic step China has cut off the telephone communication system and electricity supply to Maijayang (also called Mai Ja Yang) business village...
February 6, 2009
The Editor and a reporter of Rangoon-based 'News Watch' weekly journal, have been acquitted, after being detained for over two months in the...
February 6, 2009
Burma's main opposition party - National League for Democracy - has welcomed the United Nations' Secretary-General's call for the Burmese government...
February 6, 2009
Residents of five villages near Three Pagodas Pass are being forced to compensate the Burmese army for rations lost in a raid by Karen rebels...
February 6, 2009
At least 200,000 cubic feet of gas have been released from the Kanbauk to Myaingkalay gas pipeline as officials attempt to repair a leak in northern...
February 6, 2009
The Jandeland Myanmar Co. Ltd., the largest Kachin company in Burma, laid off 71 workers of over 800 workers in December, 2008. Worse the workers who...
February 6, 2009
Nearly a kilogram of heroin worth Taka 10 million was seized from a bus by the police and Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) on January 5, at noon while it was...
