
March 25, 2009
Thailand’s government, following a call by the Burmese junta, has agreed to hold talks with the Karen National Union concerning their participation...
March 25, 2009
For the first time, the United Nations has said the detention of Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi violates both international and...
March 25, 2009
The political arm of the Shan State Army (SSA) South, the Restoration Council of Shan State (RCSS), is keen to hold talks with the State Peace and...
March 24, 2009
A report aired by Thai TV or formerly Thai PBS on 22 March, at 21:00 hours, about the recent crackdown on Shan migrant workers in Chiangmai, has...
March 23, 2009
The economic hardship of civilians in Burma is directly connected to the Burmese ruling junta’s activities where it accumulates money from its people...
March 23, 2009
Nearly a hundred Burmese activists and Indian supporters on Monday staged a sit-in protest in New Delhi in demand of the release of political...
March 23, 2009
Members of a large drug network were arrested in Thailand, after the Thai government vowed to check the drug menace in its northern region within six...
March 23, 2009
People in Paletwa town in southern Chin state have been ordered to apply for National Identity Cards as of early 2009 by the Immigration Department...
March 23, 2009
Cox’s Bazaar: Three Burmese soldiers arrested by Bangladeshi border forces were brought to army headquarters in Dhaka for interrogation about the...
March 23, 2009
The Burmese Army troops have blamed villagers in Pru Hso township, Karenni State after the Karenni armed resistance group attacked junta troops early...
March 20, 2009
Lack of proper medical treatment, is one of the major reasons for the deteriorating health conditions of political prisoners in Burma, an activists...
March 20, 2009
For each truck load of teak transported to the China border, timber traders in Burma's northern Kachin State, have to bribe over 8 million kyat...
March 20, 2009
Anti-dam campaigners have pointed out that dam projects do not benefit people but harm the natural environment and cause human rights violation. The...
March 20, 2009
The People’s Militia Force (PMF) in villages across Mudon Township will be given new weapons, say local sources, who also surmise that the armament...
March 20, 2009
Activists feel that the Thai official’s announcement to reward informants leading to the arrest of illegal migrant workers will not solve the problem...
