
August 27, 2013
Most of the non-Burman leaders today either were born or came of age after Independence, when one of the high school texts was How to win friends...
August 27, 2013
The Karen National Union (KNU) told Mizzima on August 25 that they will not entrust the future of Karens into the hands of the government, even...
August 27, 2013
On the occasion of the 52nd State Religious Day celebration held on August 26 at Than Dwey township in Rakhine state, Buddhist monks gave an...
August 27, 2013
Daw Haung Sai, member of National Network for Education Reform (NNER) told Mizzima on August 26, that the 'National Education Policy Bill' will allow...
August 27, 2013
The Nippon Foundation has announced that they will carry out development programs in DKBA controlled areas.
August 27, 2013
A census that will be conducted exclusively for members of the Mon ethnicity in the commercial capital city of Rangoon is currently underway.
August 26, 2013
The government has made an official press release on August 25, stating that conflicts at Katbalu Township in Saigang division have led to the...
August 26, 2013
Minister U Soe Thein said that he will personally resolve delays in registration of civil societies on August 25 at the Myanmar Peace Center in...
August 26, 2013
Students Associations announced their objection to the inflation of entrance marks required for students seeking admission to Yangon and Mandalay...
August 26, 2013
Mon politicians from the three main political parties will meet for an upcoming seminar from Sept. 28 – 30 in preparation for the Mon National...
August 24, 2013
The 10 residents who led a protest demanding development programs around the Shwe Natural Gas Pipeline will be adjudicated in September.
August 23, 2013
The 2014 census taking is still more than 7 months away, but Shans in Rangoon Region have already started their own count in order to prevent...
August 23, 2013
The Administration has been accused of interfering into the Legislative system by using state-owned media to publish official press release from the...
August 23, 2013
The Ministry of Telecommunications and Information Technology is seeking partner companies to bid on tenders for building of 400 telecommunication...
August 23, 2013
Police officials said that security has been stepped up in Myeik district in Tanintharyi division after they received information that three...
