
May 8, 2008
Sittwe: Even as people in Burma mourn the deaths of 30,000 people and over one million left homeless by cyclone Nargis, the authorities in Arakan...
May 8, 2008
Vote "No" posters against the junta's draft constitution were pasted in public places in Taunggyi, Panglong and Keng Tung, according to sources.
May 8, 2008
The Burmese military junta authorities in Waingmaw Township in Kachin State have persuaded Christian pastors to vote in the ensuing referendum. This...
May 8, 2008
Although the SPDC authorities have threatened locals to dissuade them from casting 'No' votes with three years in prison and 100,000 Kyat in fines...
May 8, 2008
New Delhi - Portions of the roof of the house of Noble Peace Laureate and pro-democracy leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on University Avenue in Rangoon's...
May 8, 2008
Mounting bus fares have forced most residents in Rangoon (Yangon) to restrict travelling around town after cyclone Nargis lashed Burma ( Myanmar ).
May 8, 2008
New Delhi – Relief supplies continued flowing into Burma, but international aid agencies could not reach the hardest-hit areas because of massive...
May 8, 2008
Chiang Mai – Over 20 countries have pledge aid of more than USD 40 million for victims of the tropical cyclone Nargis in Burma, but most of these...
May 8, 2008
New Delhi - Rangoon-based weekly journals closed down after Cyclone Nargis swept through the city and caused widespread power outages. Only a few...
May 8, 2008
Cyclone Nargis has only worsened the economic situation in Burma. Now people have to put up with soaring prices of essential commodities.
May 8, 2008
Maungdaw: A cyclone, heavy rain and wind lashed northern Arakan, destroying roads, telecommunication poles, uprooted trees and damaged houses on May...
May 8, 2008
The Chin National Front, the Chin armed group, has lambasted the Burmese military junta over its plan to add some parts of Chin state into Sagaing...
May 7, 2008
Dhaka: A Bangladesh armed forces team will fly to Burma today with relief material donated by the Bangladesh government for victims of cyclone Nargis...
May 6, 2008
Dhaka: A cargo ship used to carry fish called Radana Win Win sank in Rangoon port along with four other cargo ships when cyclone Nargis lashed Burma...
May 6, 2008
There has been no serous damage in Mon State, but cyclone Nargis destroyed about 16 houses in a Mon village in Thanbyuzayat Township.
