
October 29, 2008
The United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP) said disaster risk reduction and disaster management should be a...
October 29, 2008
Teknaf, Bangladesh: An International Labour Organization (ILO) team with the cooperation of UNHCR of Bangladesh is carrying out a survey in refugee...
October 29, 2008
Residents of Chaungzon Township are being required to repair roads damaged by the recent rainy season. Each village in the township, located on...
October 29, 2008
Abuse by Burmese army battalions in southern Mon State and neighboring Tenasserim division is driving away residents, say a group of twelve displaced...
October 28, 2008
Burma's Foreign Minister Nyan Win's historic visit to North Korea indicates that the isolated Southeast Asian nation looks out for friends that...
October 28, 2008
A group which claims to be an armed organization named the Vigorous Burmese Student Warriors (VBSW) has confessed that the man who died in a bomb...
October 28, 2008
The District Peace and Development Council (DPDC) organized a football match in Maungdaw and were selling tickets to the people, of the town as well...
October 28, 2008
Despite the international agreement signed regarding the Convention on the Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) by the...
October 28, 2008
A high level junta officer, Major General Khin Zaw, visited Yawchang Bridge, which was built by forced labourers from Mrauk U and Minbya Townships on...
October 27, 2008
Incessant rain in Rangoon over the past two days has led to rumors that a major storm is heading for the city, igniting fear among residents and...
October 27, 2008
Rice farmers are struggling to pay debts and invest in future crops as Burma’s military government sets artificially low paddy prices, say farmers...
October 27, 2008
Information Minister Brig. Gen. Kyaw San has notified all government departments to inform him in advance if there is any information that they wish...
October 27, 2008
The Burmese military junta officers posted in Northern Arakan (Maungdaw and Buthidaung) are using new methods to earn money from the people, said a...
October 27, 2008
Two separate fires at Phakant in Burma's biggest jade mining area in Kachin State destroyed several houses, according to local sources...
October 27, 2008
The mining industry in Burma is desperately trying to keep its head above water given the mounting taxes and fuel costs at the black market, sources...
