
December 11, 2008
The recent award given to a detained Shan leader indicates that ethnic leaders are not forgotten and their dedication and their work are not in vain...
December 11, 2008
A man and a woman were killed after a fire broke out in a room close to the Mingalar plaza in Rangoon early today morning. The fire started in the...
December 11, 2008
Despite a call for sanctions by the international community on Burma, companies are instead expanding their engagement in business relationships with...
December 11, 2008
A residential home near Moulmein University was gutted by an electrical fire today, say eyewitnesses. The home, located at 326, 8th Street, caught...
December 11, 2008
There has been an alarming rise in drug addiction among government staff, despite the restriction on drugs in Loije city, near China-Burma border,...
December 11, 2008
Troops of the Burmese Army extorted Kyat 150,000 and three hens from six villagers of Khawthlir, Rih sub-township, in Chin state on the Indo-Burma...
December 11, 2008
The Mayor of Monza, Italy, has awarded an honourable Italian citizenship to Sao Khun Htun Oo, chairman of the Shan National League for Democracy (...
December 10, 2008
Detained student leader Min Ko Naing, recently sentenced to 65 years in prison, is suffering from a severe eye ailment and is in need of immediate...
December 10, 2008
With several Russian firms directly investing or having businesses interests in Burma and with the closer cooperation between the two countries, a...
December 10, 2008
Thieves are making a killing, selling dead chicken poisoned by them to several noodle shops in Myitkyina, the capital of Burma's northern Kachin...
December 10, 2008
Local Burmese military junta authorities destroyed a new Church under construction in Tayawati Town in Kalaymyo Township (TPDC), Sagaing division,...
December 9, 2008
Ban Ki-moon, the United Nations General Secretary has urged governments and corporate houses that have a relationship going with Burma to use their...
December 9, 2008
Ever since grabbing power in 1988, the Burmese military junta has never officially referred to the regions of Arakan State as either "Northern"...
December 9, 2008
A ban by the Burmese military junta authorities on travel at night along a main arterial road has severely inconvenienced residents and travellers in...
December 9, 2008
Wa's recently launched military exercises, which include mortar shelling and gunfire have compelled Thailand's border forces to be on high alert,...
