
March 6, 2009
At least 451,000 people have been internally displaced as a fall out of the continuous conflicts between the Burmese Army and ethnic armed rebels and...
March 6, 2009
The Mizo community in India’s North Eastern state of Mizoram should look at the recent Human Rights Watch report on Chin people’s suffering in...
March 6, 2009
A social organization in India’s northeastern state of Mizoram has demanded an apology from the Chin community living in the state over a report...
March 6, 2009
Two Thai groups are making protests by blocking border crossings near Mae Sot, Thailand, across from Myawaddy, Karen State. One group is protesting...
March 6, 2009
Families reliant on funds send home by relatives working abroad are struggling as remittances from workers drop while the value of the kyat soars,...
March 6, 2009
Burma’s military rulers on Thursday rejected two recent US reports on Human Rights records and counter-narcotic efforts, claiming the reports were...
March 6, 2009
The situation political prisoners are in at the Buthidaung prison, 80 miles north of Arakan's state capital Sittwe, has been worsening by the day...
March 6, 2009
The Burmese military junta, through their local commanders in Shan State East, have laid down different conditions for two different Wa factions on...
March 6, 2009
The Karenni National Progressive Party did not blast the Lawpita-Taungoo electric cable line, in 2009, which had been distributing electricity from...
March 4, 2009
Members of the ethnic Karen rebel group – Karen National Union – have began moving back into Burma, after Thailand warned them not to set up base in...
March 4, 2009
The Burmese army is requiring farmers to provide paddy, say local sources in, Lamine Sub Township, Mon State. For the last ten days, farmers in...
March 4, 2009
In a bid to promote tourism, Thailand has decided to exempt Burmese tourists as well as tourists from several other countries, of visa fees to...
March 4, 2009
Burma’s ruling military junta has tentatively scheduled its general elections in March 2010, a source close to the military establishment in...
March 4, 2009
With the help of the Burmese ruling junta, two firms of contractors are constructing labour camps for 15,000 Chinese at the controversial Irrawaddy...
March 4, 2009
Many retired army officers who are Arakanese nationals were recently summoned by higher authorities to Naypyidaw to discuss the 2010 elections, said...
