
May 7, 2009
“Pervasive human rights abuses” are occurring along an extensive overland pipeline in southern Burma, says a report released by a rights group...
May 7, 2009
Two Thai teenagers, arrested for robbery said they only robbed Burmese migrants to avenge their ancestors, according to Manager Online, quoting...
May 6, 2009
Farmers in Burma's northern Kachin State are being meted out ill treatment in the name of growing summer paddy by local Burmese Army battalions, said...
May 6, 2009
If there is anything of value that Cyclone Nargis has left in its wake for the devastated victims, it would be the increasing number of CDMA phones...
May 6, 2009
A special regional summit to fight possible swine flu epidemic is being held in Bangkok and is to be attended by senior ASEAN health officials along...
May 6, 2009
500 Burmese migrant workers who were attempting to enter Thailand have been forced to return to Burma, after food supplies ran low while waiting to...
May 5, 2009
The European Union and Japan on Monday said Burma’s 2010 elections could be welcomed if it is based on an inclusive dialogue among all stakeholders...
May 5, 2009
The Burmese military junta has rejected an appeal for the release of detained opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, in accordance with the law of...
May 5, 2009
Authorities are collecting large quantities of money from villages to repair a bridge in Karoat-pi village, Thanbyuzayat Township, Mon State. Earlier...
May 5, 2009
Bangladesh Rifles (BDR) pushed back 12 Rohingyas including women and children on April 3, at about 3 pm from Teknaf, says our correspondent from...
May 5, 2009
Military-ruled Burma has set up medical checkpoints in its international airports to prevent travellers transmitting the deadly swine flu virus into...
May 5, 2009
A year after Cyclone Nargis hit Burma’s Irrawaddy Delta, the United Nations claims thousands of victims are still in need of assistance. Bishow...
May 5, 2009
A year after Cyclone Nargis ripped through parts of Burma, at least half a million survivors in Irrawaddy delta are still struggling in vulnerable...
May 5, 2009
In a major development, the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), the largest ethnic Kachin ceasefire group in Burma's northern Kachin State has been...
May 5, 2009
Rohingya refugees living near Kutupalong UNCR registered camp are finding it difficult to stay in their huts following heavy rainfall, said Nurul...
