
May 12, 2008
Voting results in the constitutional referendum held on May 10 reveal most people rejected the draft constitution in northern parts of Chin state,...
May 12, 2008
Sittwe: The election commission in Arakan is yet to announce the results of the referendum, but township authorities throughout Arakan State...
May 12, 2008
Maungdaw: The identities of individuals who were arrested distributing anti-referendum posters among the people in Maungdaw, Buthidaung, and...
May 12, 2008
A seemingly grateful Burmese ruling junta rewarded students of the Nursing and Midwife School with a token amount of money and bread in Myitkyina,...
May 12, 2008
New Delhi - Cases of cholera and asthma are increasing among victims and survivors of Cyclone Nargis, said an aid worker in Rangoon who visited the...
May 10, 2008
After being lashed by Nargis cyclone, people are not getting enough water and the cost of water has become excessive.
May 10, 2008
Burmese and Indian pro-democracy groups today demonstrated in New Delhi, India, urging people in Burma to vote 'No' in the referendum to approve the...
May 9, 2008
Despite somewhat undue concern shown by local military authorities in winning votes from the people in each of their constituencies, the ruling...
May 9, 2008
The Bangladesh Army despatched a second consignment of relief material to Burma on Thursday. It promised to continue the nation's efforts to stand by...
May 9, 2008
New Delhi - Nearly a week after Cyclone Nargis, aid has started to trickle into Burma but has yet to reach the most devastated areas of the Irrawaddy...
May 9, 2008
The Burmese military junta has garnered 100 per cent advance 'Yes' votes on the constitutional referendum from the Naga Mountains in the northwest of...
May 9, 2008
Rangoon residents have to pay the cost of zinc roofing from the authorities’ donation to rebuild their homes after cyclone Nagris lashed Rangoon.
May 9, 2008
New Delhi : Relief material has been pouring into Burma from several countries in the aftermath of the killer cyclone Nargis which claimed thousands...
May 9, 2008
New Delhi – The first UN relief shipments from overseas landed in Rangoon today, but aid agencies are desperately waiting for more supplies to help...
May 9, 2008
New Delhi - Several aid workers, who went down to Burma's cyclone-devastated Irrawaddy Delta to conduct a needs assessment survey, were forced to...
