
November 5, 2008
Mrs. Thida, an immigration officer of Maungdaw exit and entry gate, has been harassing passengers coming to Bangladesh and entering Burma on business...
November 5, 2008
His highness Pope Benedict XVI told the Burmese Archbishop Charles Maung Bo that he is prepared to visit military-ruled Burma if he ever undertakes...
November 5, 2008
The Burmese Military Training School in Thanpyuzayart Township, Mon State is selling land confiscated from a nearby monastery, say local sources...
November 5, 2008
The Maungdaw court in Arakan State Burma yesterday sentenced 13 members of the Myanmar Muslim Organization (MMO) belonging to Maungdaw Township to...
November 5, 2008
Strong protest by Bangladesh notwithstanding, Burma will continue exploration of gas in the Bay of Bengal, a Burmese foreign ministry official was...
November 4, 2008
Burma's domestic car industry, under the Burmese junta's Ministry of Industry, is experiencing a decrease in sales as several factors have...
November 4, 2008
Bangladesh is going to send a high-level delegation, headed by the Foreign Secretary, to Rangoon on Wednesday to defuse tension between the two...
November 4, 2008
Burma's military junta continues with its gross violation of human rights, in its latest diktat of ordering Rohingya Maulavi bridegrooms to be clean-...
November 4, 2008
At least 50% of residents regularly bet on slot machines in Three Pagodas Pass, on the Thai-Burma border, say local residents and gamblers ...
November 4, 2008
Fervent election campaign in favour of Burma's ruling junta for the 2010 polls has begun in full swing with the junta-sponsored Union Solidarity and...
November 4, 2008
Financial constraints have caught up with the Burmese military junta even as the 2010 general elections approach, forcing the regime to suspend many...
November 4, 2008
Officials in Burma’s capital city, Naypyidaw, have put Brigadier General Ohm Myint, in charge of the Union Solidarity and Development Association in...
November 4, 2008
Burma had not intruded into Bangladeshi territory and had been exploring for oil and gas in its own territorial waters, Burma's Ambassador to...
November 3, 2008
The Hlaing Township court came down heavily and prosecuted advocates Aung Thein and Khin Maung Shein on October 30. They were representing NLD party...
November 3, 2008
The Burmese Ambassador to the United Nations said on Monday, that women in the Southeast Asian nation had extraordinary status granted to them by the...
