
July 10, 2013
On July 8, the Pyihtaungsu Hluttaw–Myanmar parliament– agreed with President Thein Sein’s suggestion to join a wing of the World Bank that will help...
July 10, 2013
Myanmar (Interim) Press Council Secretary Kyaw Min Swe has confirmed that the Press and Publishing draft law was approved by the Lower House—and that...
July 10, 2013
Some 85,000 tons of nickel will be extracted per annum from the Tagaung Taung nickel mine project, Chinese company CNICO, who only recently got...
July 10, 2013
About 1,200 people have been detained over the past year under suspicion of involvement in communal violence in the Rakhine State, Col. Htein Lin,...
July 10, 2013
In a sign of the continuing thaw in Myanmar politics and the growing weight of the international community in this once stubbornly closed country,...
July 10, 2013
Indian and Myanmar tour companies fear that the July 7 bombing at Bodh Gaya combined with fluctuations in the exchange rate will dramatically reduce...
July 10, 2013
The Karen National Union’s armed wing, the Karen National Liberation Army’s 7th Brigade based in Hpa-an District, has entered a commercial venture –...
July 10, 2013
On Sunday morning nine explosions ripped through the Bodh Gaya Buddhist temple in India where Gautama Buddha is said to have obtained enlightenment...
July 10, 2013
Two people were injured in two separate landmine incidents, in February and June 2013 in Mone Township, Nyaunglebin District, leading to fears that...
July 10, 2013
Both Nasaka (Burma border security force) and the army have been making members of the Rohingya ethnic group do forced labour on paddy fields in...
July 10, 2013
Burma News International which consist of various ethnics media groups, opposes the new media law submitted by the Ministry of Information to the...
July 10, 2013
An army commanding officer in Maungdaw has started using his office like it’s a court of law. Colonel Naing Soe Htun is supposed to be keeping the...
July 9, 2013
A senior Army officer with a woman have been arrested by the police in Kyauk Taw township of Arakan State for allegedly possessing hundreds of...
July 9, 2013
Tobacco giant British American Tobacco returns to Myanmar after a ten-year absence from operations in the country.
July 9, 2013
Thousands of Myanmar Army (MA) and United Wa State Army (UWSA) troops are encircling one another around a strategic mountain in Monghsat township,...
