
May 28, 2008
Ukhiya, Bangladesh: The United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) António Guterres visited the Burmese refugee camp Kutupalong...
May 27, 2008
A petition last month by a woman migrant worker, who was paralyzed in 2006 while working in a hotel construction site in Chiangmai, for equal...
May 27, 2008
The eastern region commander has been ordered by the junta from Nyapyidaw to collect funds from the people of Shan State to send 500 cows and...
May 27, 2008
Local authorities of the Burmese military junta in Mongton Township, eastern Shan State, last week seized Thai mobile phones belonging to villagers...
May 27, 2008
Pro-democracy leader and Noble Peace Laureate, Aung San Suu Kyi will not be released from detention unless there is international pressure on the...
May 27, 2008
New Delhi - Over a dozen youth members of the opposition were arrested by Burmese police on Tuesday, a party spokesperson told Mizzima.
May 27, 2008
Burmese military authorities have gone on overdrive collecting money from people in 11 villages in Thangtlang Township in Chin state, Burma to...
May 27, 2008
New Delhi – With the Burmese military junta opening up the country to international relief workers, some staff members of a few aid agencies were...
May 27, 2008
New Delhi - Cyclone victims are being relocated to their original places of residence by authorities in Maupin town. The refugees are being...
May 27, 2008
The Thai Ministry of Labour has decided to increase the minimum wages for workers following protests and demands for a wage hike on May Day.
May 27, 2008
A retired New Mon State Party (NMSP) medical worker was beaten to death by local Burmese Army soldiers. He was being tortured and was being forced to...
May 24, 2008
Despite deep seated opposition to the military regime, a majority of Rangoon's civil servants said they have to vote in favour of the draft...
May 24, 2008
Rangoon – In yet another attempt at rigging the referendum the junta is issuing ballot papers which have already been ticked 'Yes' to voters in the...
May 24, 2008
A relief group known as Chin Famine Emergency Relief Committee (CFERC) is planning to send rice bags worth Indian Rupee 140,000 (Burmese currency...
May 24, 2008
Parts of Karenni State, where rampant tree felling is underway, are heading for an ecological disaster. With the green cover destroyed people in...
