
July 31, 2008
The young business tycoon Maung Weik has been slapped with one more charge. He has been charged with violating the immigration act by the police who...
July 31, 2008
A bomb exploded near the Burmese military regime's Central Agriculture Research and Training under the Ministry of Agriculture and Irrigation in...
July 31, 2008
New Delhi — In a strange move, Burma 's Roadway Transport Supervision Committee has legally announced the rise of fares for express buses that are...
July 31, 2008
Chiang Mai — At least 200 Karen villagers from eastern Burma 's Karen State have been forced to flee to the Thai-Burmese border since early this...
July 31, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan: A village in Northern Maungdaw, under Burma 's border security force, or Nasaka area number 5, has become unsafe recently with...
July 30, 2008
The Burmese military junta officials in Kachin State in northern are accepting bribes to release prisoners. Criminals sentenced to jail can bribe the...
July 30, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan: Authorities in Maungdaw Township seized 32.66 acres of arable land from farmers of Oo Shaikya (Buraseikdarpara) and Dou Dan (...
July 30, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan: The headmistress of the State Primary School in Myoma Kayandan (Seikda para) village, Maungdaw Township, collected admission fees...
July 30, 2008
The Free Burma Rangers (FBR) relief teams provided a small glimpse into the lives of the people during its mission to Shan State in June and July,...
July 30, 2008
The report filed by BBC on July 29 that the ceasefire Shan State Army (SSA) "North" had decided to contest the 2010 general elections was hotly...
July 30, 2008
New Delhi — Sixteen of the world's largest insurance companies have been urged to stop trading in Burma , whose military rulers are infamous for...
July 30, 2008
New Delhi — The United Nations' Humanitarian Chief John Holmes on Monday admitted that about US $ 10 million of the funds provided by donors to help...
July 29, 2008
Pletwa, Chin State: Three Chin hill-side cultivators were severely tortured and their tents torched by the Burmese Army on suspicion of having...
July 29, 2008
The Burmese ruling junta is peeved that unlicensed motorcycle owners in Myitkyina, the capital of Kachin State in northern Burma are not applying for...
July 29, 2008
The number of Burmese women legally seeking jobs in Malaysia is mounting while a majority of women are still seeking jobs illegally in neighbouring...
