
August 21, 2008
Two of the world's leading insurance companies – Chubb and XL insurance – will stop business activities in Burma, weeks after a campaign group –...
August 21, 2008
Burma's main opposition party – the National League fro Democracy – on Monday said it welcomed another round of visit by the United Nations special...
August 20, 2008
An earthquake of magnitude 5.3 on the Richter scale hit the Sino-Burma border of Laiza on Wednesday morning, local residents and United States...
August 20, 2008
Burmese Members of Parliament in exile on Tuesday called on fellow parliamentarians at the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly in Singapore, to allow...
August 20, 2008
The unabated crackdown by the military junta notwithstanding, resentment against the regime is not likely to diminish, activists and opposition...
August 20, 2008
Burmese military junta authorities in Arakan State have produced a video related to last year's Saffron Revolution and presented it on Sunday to...
August 20, 2008
Many tribal people in southern Chin State stare hunger in the face due to a shortage of food in the region. Again many families have been reduced to...
August 20, 2008
The privately owned electricity generating and distributing agency has bribed Township authorities and police officers to close the case where a...
August 20, 2008
There has been a reduction of 40 per cent students in Arakan state primary and middle schools in the academic year 2008-09 compared to the previous...
August 20, 2008
Lower ranks of the Military Affairs Security Unit (Sa Ya Pha), which replaced the former Military Intelligence, were disarmed after three Lt...
August 20, 2008
The name of the game is money and the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC) of Buthidaung Township is into a lucrative business of selling...
August 20, 2008
Rubber prices have soared in Mon state, where the majority of rubber in the country, are produced. The increase has been more than 50 Kyat per pound...
August 20, 2008
New Delhi - Coming to the aid of farmers in cyclone-hit regions to help them in planting paddy and to rebuild their lives, the United Nations...
August 19, 2008
In a public speech delivered to local officials and people yesterday at a location in Shan State's Mongton township, opposite Chiangmai, the Burmese...
August 19, 2008
A mud volcano on Manaung Island in Arakan State erupted on August 7 and destroyed a few acres of paddy farms, said an official from Manaung.
