
October 17, 2008
The village headman of Nalung was assaulted by two Burmese soldiers for helping a soldier of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) at the military...
October 17, 2008
Mizo, Manipuri and Chin scholars are in agreement that despite living in different countries, Chins, Mizos, Kukis and Zos are brethren and share the...
October 17, 2008
Deficient domestic laws combined with lax enforcement means Burma's wild cats often find their way to Burmese markets in form of skins and other body...
October 16, 2008
Fishery products worth $ 6.84 million will be exported to Bangladesh through the Maungdaw trade zone on the western border in the 2008-2009 fiscal...
October 16, 2008
Six people arrested during last year's Saffron Revolution demonstrations in Arakan State are currently being detained in Sittwe prison along with...
October 16, 2008
A company whose milk powder had been banned after being found to contain the chemical melamine has recalled the tainted product, offering consumers...
October 16, 2008
Dr. Marn Thet San, well known patron of Mon literature and culture as well as former College Headmaster, passed on October 10th. He died of a heart...
October 15, 2008
Campaigners and Burmese activists in the United Kingdom said they will hand a giant key to the Chinese Embassy later this month, symbolizing the key...
October 15, 2008
A Mizoram court on Saturday released a Burmese national detained on suspicion of killing a Burmese soldier. He was in detention in a police station...
October 15, 2008
Mon people and political leaders celebrated the honoring ceremony for Nai Sein Maung, one of the cofounders of the Mon People’s Front, on October...
October 15, 2008
U Khain Tun, a member of the former Arakan Communist Party (ACP), was released from Insein Prison on Monday after serving a 22-year sentence, said a...
October 15, 2008
Farmland owners in Sittwe Township have been deprived of compensation for their lands confiscated by the Burmese military junta for an Indian oil...
October 15, 2008
Many monks in Sittwe were banned by the Burmese military junta authorities from attending the full-moon religious festival held in the city yesterday...
October 15, 2008
A Chin national Lal Chanhlima is being held in Champhai police station in Mizoram state of northeast India on suspicion of having a connection with...
October 15, 2008
The Burmese military junta sponsored Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has offered 'free medical surgery' to people in Myitkyina...
