
January 14, 2009
To expedite the hydropower project in N'Mai River at Chibwe city in Burma's northern Kachin state, about 1,000 Chinese workers have been inducted in...
January 13, 2009
An 83-year-old Arakanese man has travelled to 146 towns in Burma on a bicycle and is currently visiting southern Shan State near the Thai border,...
January 13, 2009
Despite a flurry of activity that has been apparently directed against the Wa, the real objective of the Burmese Army's military preparations could...
January 13, 2009
Despite fertilizer prices recently coming down in Burma, Bangladeshi traders continue to export fertilizer products to Burma illegally through the...
January 12, 2009
Two Singaporean activists were arrested after staging a protest on Monday against the government's rejection of the extension of work permits to...
January 12, 2009
Karen National Liberation Army (KNLA) soldiers along the Thanbyuzayat (Thanpyuzayart) to Three Pagodas Pass motor road have seized at least 100 sacks...
January 12, 2009
There has been an alarming rise in road accidents because of heavy dust on the Ledo Road connecting Burma and India in Burma's northern Kachin state...
January 12, 2009
Some Yaba tablet peddlers and addicts were produced in Maungdaw court on January 6, for testing their blood to find out whether they were addicted to...
January 12, 2009
With a literacy rate of 3 per cent, access to education for half a million Wa living in the isolated hills of Eastern Shan State is being further...
January 11, 2009
Family members of political prisoners have had to return from journeys to remote prisons without ever having a chance to meet with those detained, a...
January 11, 2009
Paddy fields in Maungdaw Township were damaged two years ago, after saline water meant for shrimp projects, was carried into the fields through...
January 11, 2009
For the first time this year, students in Kachin state in northern Burma pasted and distributed 600 posters against the ruling Burmese junta in the...
January 10, 2009
The Indonesian Foreign Ministry has said it is still investigating over 193 Burmese and Bangladeshi, stranded off Sabang Island near Aceh province...
January 10, 2009
Nearly 200 people reached Indonesia's Sumatra Island on a wooden boat on January 7, after drifting for a few days. They were found in Indonesian...
January 10, 2009
The SPDC has imposed more tax on marine products business, beginning from January 1, 2009, a businessman from Maungdaw said. The Buthidaung Tactical...
