
April 25, 2009
South Korea has awarded its highest human rights award “Gwangju Prize for Human Rights” to Burma’s leading student activist Min Ko Naing, who is...
April 25, 2009
Unidentified offenders used weed killers to poison the water supply of the Mae La refugee camp on April 11. The camp, on the Thai-Burma border, home...
April 25, 2009
A senior monk has expressed a desire for Mon political parties to participate in the elections to be held in Burma in 2010 so that the Mon community...
April 25, 2009
The BDR and Nasaka had a commander level flag meeting on the Dekbonia on April 23, discussing about 300 workers to build the embankment without...
April 25, 2009
A recent interview reveals that the Wa is finding it increasingly difficult to return to poppy cultivation. “Some Burma watchers may still think we...
April 24, 2009
A senior Wa official, who did not want his name divulged said the United Wa State Army (UWSA) is under pressure from Naypyidaw to respond to its...
April 24, 2009
Apprehensions of a bloody conflict have increased among the Mon public as the SPDC-sponsored general elections draw near. After two clashes occurred...
April 23, 2009
Members of the Rohingya community and a section of the authority clashed yesterday at noon, in which three soldiers were seriously injured, a local...
April 23, 2009
Valuable teak from northern Burma is being illegally exported to China through the border by Aung Mai Company. The company is also into exporting...
April 23, 2009
In a fresh crackdown on migrants, Malaysian authorities arrested at least 200 Burmese nationals on Wednesday, in Kuala Lumpur. During a joint...
April 23, 2009
In the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, a new satellite town is being built beside the Myaungmya-Latputta Highway, about three miles away from Latputta...
April 23, 2009
Three men arrested in Moulmein last night confessed to the murder of NMSP member, Nai Min Aung on April 18th. They were arrested around 8pm for...
April 23, 2009
A fresh outbreak of Diarrhea has reportedly killed four people in Rangoon’s Thaketa Township and led to 60 people being hospitalized in suburban...
April 23, 2009
Mon leaders, including a senior monk, have emphasized the importance of the Mon summer schools programme for the Mon community despite the struggles...
April 23, 2009
After decades of extensive and largely unregulated logging, many forests in Northern Burma’s Kachin state are nearly barren, resulting in a warming...
