
June 5, 2009
A domestic company, Zaykabar, is all set to launch a Frequency Modulated (FM) radio broadcast in Taungyi town, capital of Shan State in mid-June, a...
June 5, 2009
United Nation’s Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Wednesday said he would like to revisit military-ruled Burma and assist the country in the...
June 4, 2009
The Burmese military junta has granted permission to each logging company in the country's northern Kachin State to fell over 100,000 tons of timber...
June 4, 2009
Many international and regional aid officials are now suggesting using an ASEAN-led model for all future humanitarian assistance to Burma. Last...
June 4, 2009
Arakan State: Parents of student are anxious for high academic costs to get admission for their children, where the Burmese junta’s claim of...
June 4, 2009
The Burmese Army has been extorting money from vehicle owners in Falam town and other parts of the township including Tibil village. This has come in...
June 4, 2009
The Burmese Army is collecting funds for a pagoda being built in Lungler village, Than Tlang Township, Chin state western Burma by brewing and...
June 4, 2009
A small group of people gathered in front of the US Embassy in Rangoon on Thursday morning, an official of the Embassy said. Drake Weisert, Assistant...
June 4, 2009
The Burmese military junta proposes to replace riot police personnel with a new border defence force in the two Arakanese border townships of...
June 4, 2009
A large stretch of over 200,973 feet of embankments for erecting barbed wire fences have been completed by 30 May, according to an official report of...
June 4, 2009
Local Burmese military junta authorities in Mudon Township are now forcing teashop and restaurant owners to carry out surveillance on their clients...
June 4, 2009
Given the economic crisis in Mon State, fewer students have enrolled for the 2009-2010 academic year in schools. Many are working outside schools...
June 4, 2009
State-run newspapers on Wednesday reported that eight minors who had joined the military of their own volition were returned to their parents, a rare...
June 4, 2009
Farmers in the cyclone affected areas in Burma are in acute need of cash and credit assistance to buy inputs for the ensuing monsoon planting season...
June 4, 2009
ASEAN should use its charter and the ASEAN community should work out a mechanism to mount pressure on the Burmese military junta to usher in...
