
March 27, 2008
Six months to the day after Burmese security forces reached the apex of their violent response to last September's monk-led protests, the country...
March 27, 2008
A high ranking military official of the Burmese ruling military junta has issued a variety of National Registration Cards (NRC) to those in the...
March 27, 2008
Youth from the National League for Democracy (NLD) today initiated a campaign urging people to cast a 'NO' vote in the junta's upcoming...
March 27, 2008
The British government has concluded that the rabid abuse of human rights by Burma's military government is the principle reason for the country's...
March 27, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State : An ongoing religious function was ransacked and a religious leader Maulana Sayedul Amin (60) of Maung Nama village was...
March 27, 2008
Mrauk-U: Mrauk-U Township Municipality , Township Health organization and the United Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) have ordered the...
March 27, 2008
Come April 4 and New Delhi will unfold the red carpet for the 'second man in command' of the Burmese junta, Maung Aye, who is to arrive in India for...
March 27, 2008
With May's constitutional referendum fast approaching, the Burmese government is apparently tightening control over the issuance of tourist visas to...
March 26, 2008
At least 23 people are reported dead after a boat capsized on Friday near Shwe Sar Yan Pagoda in Mandalay in central Burma.
March 26, 2008
New Delhi – Burma's government, on Wednesday, inaugurated a new zoo near its nascent capital of Naypyitaw, approximately 320 miles north of the...
March 26, 2008
New Delhi – A Burmese pro-democracy activist group, calling on the people to prepare for the worst in 'confronting' the junta, today said the UN...
March 26, 2008
Widespread human rights violations, namely arbitrary arrests, torture and forced labour of adults and minors, are forcing Mon villagers to flee to...
March 26, 2008
Enumerators, compiling voter's lists in Bhamo district in Kachin State of Northern Burma have run into rough weather while compiling eligible list of...
March 26, 2008
The referendum commission of Mudon Township , Mon state has launched its campaign in the villages as of yesterday, said village leaders who attended...
March 26, 2008
Maungdaw: People are being forced to work at a government rubber plantation since 21 March, with promises of distributing land to them by the...
