
April 10, 2008
In a major tragedy at least 59 Mon ethnic, Burmese migrants from Mon State, Burma including children died due to suffocation in a container of a ten-...
April 10, 2008
Officials imparting training for the referendum to people in Kengtun, Mongyawng, Mongphyak and Tachilek, on April 6, taught them only to tick in...
April 10, 2008
Villagers are being forced to carry wounded soldiers by the Burmese Army following clashes with Karen rebels. The army from Tactical Command No.2 is...
April 10, 2008
As the referendum draws near the Burmese military regime is stepping up its aggressive campaign. The referendum commission in Mon state has told...
April 10, 2008
New Delhi – The contentious referendum on the draft constitution will be held on May 10, the Burmese military junta announced today.
April 10, 2008
Chiang Mai – The Burmese military junta authorities wants the voting during the ensuing referendum in May to be secret. The National constitutional...
April 10, 2008
New Delhi: A bank employee was killed in a daring bank robbery in Rangoon's suburban township of Thingankyun, local residents said. The robber fled...
April 9, 2008
Cox's Bazaar: The 250-mile Long March by Burmese activists concluded yesterday on the border town of Cox's Bazaar, Bangladesh, after a 13-day walk...
April 9, 2008
Chiang Mai – In an apparent act of bypassing the law, Burmese authorities on Tuesday remanded human rights activist Myo Thant without producing him...
April 9, 2008
New Delhi - Heightened security perceptions have made the Burmese military junta install Close Circuit Television Cameras (CCTV) in downtown Rangoon...
April 9, 2008
Cox's Bazaar: Ten Bangladeshi prisoners were handed over by Burmese authorities to its Bangladeshi counterparts during a flag meeting held in...
April 9, 2008
With the countrywide referendum for approval of the new constitution looming in the horizon, the Burma Army is also beefing up its defences along the...
April 9, 2008
Leaders in exile have criticized the junta's draft constitution concerning ethnic rights, at the Media Inputs for May Referendum meeting, held on...
April 9, 2008
Maungdaw, Arakan State: The District Peace and Development Council Chairman (DPDC) U Hla Win has been summoning village elders, religious leaders,...
April 9, 2008
Burmese refugees in Malaysia are being increasingly rounded up after the new government in Malaysia came to power. Even refugees holding United...
