
June 27, 2008
New Delhi – A Burmese woman was arrested on Wednesday evening after staging a solo protest at a busy downtown district near the popular Sule Pagoda,...
June 27, 2008
A Karenni Anti-Drug Action Committee's statement released on the 'International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking' states that poppy...
June 27, 2008
The amount of money donated as aid to survivors of Cyclone Nargis has been grossly understated in the local media by Burma's military rulers. With...
June 27, 2008
New Delhi – The Burmese military junta has claimed that its drug eradication campaign has brought about a drastic decline in opium cultivation in the...
June 27, 2008
New Delhi – Access to clean drinking water remains one of the biggest challenges in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, with hundreds of wells...
June 27, 2008
Even though the military junta claims that Burma will be drug free by 2014 the number of people addicted to drugs in southern Burma is increasing,...
June 26, 2008
Parents of seven children are under tremendous pressure after they were forced to take their wards out of school because they could not afford the...
June 26, 2008
Buthidaung , Burma : A school teacher (Junior Assistant Teacher- JAT) was tortured by the Army last month and suffered two broken ribs on allegations...
June 26, 2008
'World Drug Day' today was marked by an anti-drug poster movement, the first of its kind, in key places in Myitkyina Township, the capital of Kachin...
June 26, 2008
There has been a mushrooming growth in poppy cultivation in parts of Kachin State. Cultivation of poppy has become common in Sadung (sadon) and...
June 25, 2008
There has been an alarming rise in drug addiction in gold mining areas in Danai (Tanai) Township in Hukawng Valley (HugawngValley) in Kachin State in...
June 25, 2008
Kyauktaw, Arakan State: Villagers are being forced to work on the Rangoon-Sittwe High way road construction site of Kyauktaw Township since June 20...
June 25, 2008
Data collection for issuing identity cards, with a validity of 10 years has commenced for migrants working in Thailand.
June 24, 2008
Every day the coverage of Burma's Cyclone Nargis diminishes around the world. "After just one month news of Cyclone Nargis dropped on news programmer...
June 24, 2008
Ruili – There has been a 300 per cent rise in the sale of motorcycles in Jie Gao on the Chinese border town due to a possible decision by the junta...
