
February 3, 2009
The Indonesian Navy on Tuesday rescued another batch of Rohingya boatpeople near Sumatra Island, an official of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry said...
February 3, 2009
As a result of the harsh weather conditions last season, the opium output in Shan State has declined although opium cultivation has increased,...
February 3, 2009
The Burmese military junta will lay a railway route in Arakan State to connect Burma proper, with the idea of promoting regional development,...
February 3, 2009
Burmese shrimp exports to Bangladesh have ground to a halt as traders in the neighbouring country are no longer buying Burmese shrimp, said a wealthy...
February 2, 2009
Burma's detained opposition leader Daw Aung San Suu Kyi and her party – the National League for Democracy – on Monday said their meeting on Monday...
February 2, 2009
Karen rebels have seized rations from supply trucks bound for Three Pagodas Pass, on the Thai-Burma border. Instead of risking punishment by...
February 2, 2009
The Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) has selected their candidates in Hakha city, Chin state for the 2010 general elections of...
February 2, 2009
Rohingya groups released statements against the State Peace and Development Council, or SPDC's statement on Rohingya as a non citizen of Burma which...
January 31, 2009
The Burmese military regime has started getting organized for the 2010 general elections in Karenni state, an ethnic state in Burma. Forest Minister...
January 31, 2009
Burma's military generals in a secret meeting warned commanders and officers to beware of Bangladesh in the wake of a maritime dispute between the...
January 31, 2009
A veteran ethnic Shan politician, Shwe Ohn on Thursday said he and his friends have formed a group that will be transformed into a political party to...
January 31, 2009
Burma on Friday, refused to recognize Rohingya - Muslim minorities, as citizens of the country and said they are not included in the multi-ethnic...
January 31, 2009
For the first time, Burmese Army troops began a three-day long investigation in the Maijayang (Mai Ja Yang) casino on the China-Burma border in...
January 31, 2009
Dire economic circumstances continue to drive Burmese workers to seek employment in Thailand, in spite of the country’s worsening economic situation...
January 31, 2009
About 70 Rohingya people and some local Bengalis assembled in Cox's Bazaar near the western Burmese border for a week planning to travel to Malaysia...
