Migrant workers called upon to apply for passports

Migrant workers called upon to apply for passports
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
Migrant workers with work permit cards of Thailand have been called upon to submit their Burmese national verification forms, in order to receive travel documents from Burmese authorities to work legally in Thailand, according to Nang Hern Kham ...

Migrant workers with work permit cards of Thailand have been called upon to submit their Burmese national verification forms, in order to receive travel documents from Burmese authorities to work legally in Thailand, according to Nang Hern Kham, of Shan Radio Program and Education Media in Chiangmai.
From earlier this month, the provincial employment authorities have been calling migrant workers to fill up the new nationality identification forms.
A migrant worker, has to hand over a copy of his/her citizenship card, a copy of his/her work permit cards issued by the Thai Labour Ministry, his/her parent’s information, address, and a recommendation letter from his/her boss or business owner, she said.
Each migrant worker has to spend about Kyat 3,000 for the Burmese authorities, 500 Baht for Thai customs and 3,800 Baht for a working visa in Thailand.
People, who do not have any documents or ID cards in Burma, can apply with their work permit information. They must have documents such as labour registration card (pink colour) or receipt of registration, and insurance receipts. However, people whose work permits have expired are not allowed to submit the form.
The forms are available at provincial employment offices, where photos and the print of left finger of the worker concerned will be taken and sent to the Migrant Worker Importation Regulation Division, which in turn will forward it to the Burmese government, through diplomatic channels, for each migrant worker to travel to the Myanmar National Verification Center at Tachilek, Myawaddy and Kawthawng at the Thai-Burma border.
The form titled “Form to be filled by the applicant” must be filled in Thai and Burmese languages, and for people, who cannot write in Burmese, can fill it in English language.
People, with these documents, are allowed to go and work anywhere in Thailand. They would also be allowed to apply for driving license; Nang Hern Kham quoted an employment officer as saying.
For those who failed to submit the applications, their existing work permits would be taken back and they would be sent back to Burma.  People whose work permits have expired and who do not have work permits would be sent back as well, she said.
“Due to this information, people are unable to decide whether they should fill up or not,” she added.
There are at least 2 million legal and illegal migrant workers in Thailand. However, there is no law to protect those migrant workers.
Yesterday, over 20 migrant workers in a garment factory in Sankhampheng district, were ordered by their bosses to fill up the form, a worker, who did not wish to be named said.
“There were about 6 people, who did not have Burmese ID cards. However, we all filled it in accordance with our boss’s wish,” he said.
In 2006, Thailand and Burma had agreed to set up nationality identification centers for Burmese migrant workers.  However, the two countries failed to successfully implement the agreement.
Many workers are still apprehensive of believing this new information, due to lessons learnt from the past.  They are afraid the Burmese authorities will use the information to prosecute their families back home.
However, people holding these passports, who are still asked to pay extra money to the Burmese military can inform the Thai authorities, Nang Hern Kham quoted a Thai employment official as saying.
For more information on the subject, please look out for SHAN report tomorrow.