Over 350 kgs of heroin seized

Over 350 kgs of heroin seized
A massive manhunt has been launched by the Burmese Army following the shootings on the Mekong last week which resulted in the seizure of more than 350 kgs of heroin and a cache of B 217 million ($ 6 million), according to a reliable source...

A massive manhunt has been launched by the Burmese Army following the shootings on the Mekong last week which resulted in the seizure of more than 350 kgs of heroin and a cache of B 217 million ($ 6 million), according to a reliable source.

About 34 suspected members of the protection racket led by Naw Kham who for more than a year has been active in the area were also detained. Naw Kham, 48, himself is still at large.

The pursuit was launched under heavy pressure from China, local businessmen say. “Naw Kham wouldn’t have escaped, if it were not for the local Burma Army commanders,” said one.

At least three of them have accused the area commander of receiving kickbacks from Naw Kham.

Tired of paying protection money, even the United Wa State Army (UWSA) had despatched a contingent to deal with him last year but was reportedly stopped by the Burmese Army. “Naw Kham has made a lot of bitter enemies during the past year,” said a local militia member.

Among his enemies is the Shan State Army (SSA) South led by Col Yawdserk, whose troops had been chased out of the area in 2007 by the Burmese

Naw Kham, a former Mong Tai Army officer who had surrendered in 1996 with Khun Sa, became a pro-junta militia in Tachilek. In 2006, Chinese and Thai information led to a crackdown where a large amount of Yaba (methamphetamines) was seized from his home in Tachilek’s Tawng Kaw village. Naw Kham got away but continued to be active in the area. His racket reportedly collected B 5,000 per kgs of heroin and B 2.5 – 3 per pill of Yaba.

On 18 February, a clash with a Burmese Army column on the Mekong resulted in the damage of a Chinese cargo boat with a crewman dead and at least three injured.