Kengtawng hydro-power plant inaugurated without informing locals

Kengtawng hydro-power plant inaugurated without informing locals
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
The Burmese military Junta authorities in Southern Shan State held the inaugural ceremony of the Kengtawng Hydro power plant in Kengtawng sub-township, Mongnai township, Langkher district, ...

The Burmese military Junta authorities in Southern Shan State held the inaugural ceremony of the Kengtawng Hydro power plant in Kengtawng sub-township, Mongnai township, Langkher district, but did not care to inform the local people, according to sources.

The ceremony was inaugurated by Chairman of the Shan State Peace and Development Council, Commander of Eastern Region Command Brig-Gen Ya Pyae and his followers on 30 December 2008.

"They [authorities] came directly to the waterfall in a helicopter and inaugurated it [the hydro-power plant] on that day," said a local villager who wished to remain anonymous.

However, a week before the ceremony, each household from every village was told to pay Kyat 400,000 (US $333) to the authorities of the electricity department for meter box taxes and wire costs. But villagers have not been given any electricity even thoug construction was completed long ago, said a villager.

"They [authorities] just started providing electricity to us on the day of the opening ceremony. We have never seen any light around our village before today. We are not still sure whether this will last forever or just a short time," he said.

Area commander Col Tint Lwin informed local people that the Kengtawng hydro power would be supplying electricity to the whole southern Shan State, according to a SHAN report in 2004.

At present, villagers are worried they will be told to pay more money for using electricity. The people of Kengtawng have been paying for electricity they have not received since construction of the power plant was completed in January 2008.

The authorities had planned to hold the ceremony on 21 March 2008, the Full Moon Day of the Fourth Month, according to the lunar calendar and gave approval to locals to open gambling houses in order to obtain funds for it. The authorities receive Kyat 200,000 (US $167) per day as tax, according to SHAN report in February 2008.

Construction on the Keng Tawng Hydro power plant started in 19 November 2001. The construction was completed at the end of January 2008.