Wa into military drill near Thai border

Wa into military drill near Thai border
Wa's recently launched military exercises, which include mortar shelling and gunfire have compelled Thailand's border forces to be on high alert, according to a Thai security officer ...

Wa's recently launched military exercises, which include mortar shelling and gunfire have compelled Thailand's border forces to be on high alert, according to a Thai security officer.

The military exercises are being held at Mongyawn, only a few kilometres from Chiangmai's Mae Ai district border, since the beginning of December, he said. About 1,000 Wa fighters are believed to be involved in the drills, according to locals from the border.

The Burmese Army border units have also been placed on alert, they said.

The military drills in Mongyawn, Monghsat Township, came in the wake of the meeting in Mongpawk, south of the Wa HQ Panghsang, on December 5, between the Burma Army's regional commander Kyaw Phyoe and the United Wa State Army (UWSA)'s 468th Brigade Commander Sai Hsarm, according to sources.

Kyaw Phyoe had reportedly broached the two issues, which were still unresolved between the two sides-- withdrawal of Wa troops from the Thai border and the exchange of arms for peace.

In turn, the Wa Commander responded, "like a Wa and a soldier that he was," according to the source. "For more than 10 years, we have been ordered to pull out from the south," Sai Hsarm was quoted as saying. "But we did not. And we are never going to give it up."

In reply to the second question, his remark was rather blunt. "Sir, I do not understand what you are saying. Does it mean the Wa region is not at peace because we are holding arms? On the contrary, it is at peace because we are holding arms. We are therefore, never going to give them up as long as we're alive," he is believed to have said.

The meeting ended abruptly at this point, said the source.

The Burma Army's buildup along the Wa-Mongla region had begun after the event, he added.

The written report by the source, however, did not mention the other unresolved issue: For Wa to withdraw from Mongpawk and Mongla from Hsaleu, both of which are considered to be under the jurisdiction of Mongyang Township.

The Wa, with six townships, has already been granted the status of a Self-Administered Region and Mongla has been issued township status.