Ethnic leaders dismayed by experts' dismissal of nuke programme

Ethnic leaders dismayed by experts' dismissal of nuke programme
Ethnic ceasefire leaders say they are disappointed with the "blanket rejection" by Burmese experts about the ruling military leaders' nuclear ambitions...

Ethnic ceasefire leaders say they are disappointed with the "blanket rejection" by Burmese experts about the ruling military leaders' nuclear ambitions.

"Maybe we don't know what to look for," admitted a Shan ceasefire officer to SHAN. "But our reports about the generals' ambition to possess nuclear bombs were nothing less than the truth."

He pointed out to earlier reports about the junta's planned move to Naypyitaw a year before its official announcement to transfer the capital there in late 2005. "Nobody believed us then," he recalled. "But then it came like a bombshell. The next time it's going to be a nuclear one, if they choose to keep ignoring our reports."

One of his arguments is the junta leaders' rejection of the ceasefire groups' recommendation, during the 2004-07 Constitutional Convention, that the nuclear programme be placed under the Energy Sector instead of the Defense Sector in the draft charter. "We explained that putting it under the defense sector would
be contrary to our long-standing claim that we wanted to develop nuclear power for peaceful purposes," he said. "But the generals merely shrugged it off."

"Isn't it enough evidence of what they are aiming for?" he asked rhetorically.

Under the Union Defense and Security Sector (P.181) in the newly approved Burmese constitution is (d) Atomic energy, nuclear fuel and radiation and mineral resources essential to its production, whereas its Energy, Electricity, Mining and Forestry Sector (P.183) says nothing about it.

The nuclear programme, according to sources, is being headed by Lt-Col (ret) U Thaung, Minister of Science and Technology, who has his office at Maha Myaing camp, Thabeikkyin Township, north of Mandalay.

"About 20 foreigners are often seen there," said a trader, a long-time SHAN source.

"Please ask the experts to tell us what they need to know (to confirm the existence of the nuclear programme) instead of brushing our reports aside," he concluded. "And we will get it for them."