Mongla toying with idea of forming party for 2010 polls

Mongla toying with idea of forming party for 2010 polls
The National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS), popularly known as the Mongla group for its main base on the Sino-Burma border opposite Daluo, has agreed to consider the junta's proposal to form a political party ...

The National Democratic Alliance Army-Eastern Shan State (NDAA-ESS), popularly known as the Mongla group for its main base on the Sino-Burma border opposite Daluo, has agreed to consider the junta's proposal to form a political party to contest the 2010 elections, according to a source from the Thai-Burma border.

The decision was the result of a meeting between Lt-Gen Ye Myint, Chief of Military Affairs Security (MAS) and a three member delegation led by Hsan Perh in Kengtung on October 18, he said. The two other delegates were Min Ein and Sai Tip Holong.

All of them had accompanied Maj-Gen Kyaw Phyoe, Commander of Triangle Region Command, who was visiting Mongla, on his way back to Kengtung, 160 kms north of the Thai-Burma border.

"It does not mean that we have agreed to set up a party," the source said, "because whatever we are going to do, we need to consult our allies first."

The NDAA-ESS is a member of the Peace and Democracy Front (PDF) formed in 1989. The two other members are Kokang and Wa. The Shan State Army (SSA) North has also established close ties with the Wa though it is not a member. "Whatever the decision is going to be, it does not include giving up arms," he added.

The electoral law is yet to be announced by the ruling military junta, although the junta backed Union Solidarity and Development Association (USDA) and the National Unity Party (NUP) have already launched election campaigns nationwide.

Speaking on this, a border watcher has made the following observation: "One reason the electoral law is yet to come out may be because Naypyidaw wants the areas under the control of the ceasefire groups to be included in the list of constituencies."

At least three of the ceasefire groups stand more than a good chance to win seats in townships under their sway:

   * Kokang in Laokai and Kungjang

   * Wa in Hopang, Mongmai, Pangwai, Napharn and Panghsang

   * NDAA-ESS in Mongla

Meanwhile, Wa and Naypyidaw are yet to resolve their long-standing dispute over two areas-- Mawfa now renamed Markmang (Burmese spelling: Metman) captured by the Burmese Army since 1980 and Mongpawk, formerly of Mongyang township, but occupied by the Wa since the days of the Communist Party of Burma (CPB), 1968-89.

The irony is that while Naypyidaw wants to return Markmang to the Wa in exchange for Mongpawk, the Wa says Mongpawk is essential for their survival as it is the only outlet to Mongla and the Mekong River. The junta in the meantime is trying to close this outlet.

Many of these townships, formerly under CPB leadership, were not in the list of constituencies announced by the electoral law in 1988, a year before its fall, which paved the way for ceasefire pacts between the Burma Army and the ex-CPB ethnic armies.