Imprisoned Shan politician needs treatment

Imprisoned Shan politician needs treatment
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
A member of the New Generation Shan State (NGSS) U Tun Nyo, who was sentenced to 79 years in jail on November 3, 2005 along with other elected Shan leaders, is in desperate need of medical treatment, according to reliable sources...

A member of the New Generation Shan State (NGSS) U Tun Nyo, who was sentenced to 79 years in jail on November 3, 2005 along with other elected Shan leaders, is in desperate need of medical treatment, according to reliable sources.

On October 24, a niece of U Tun Nyo visited him due to his poor health condition. He has suffered a heart attack and has hypertension.

"His mouth and face have turned black. He can't speak too much," said a source.

The family made an application to the jail warden to have him treated, but the request was denied. "The doctor comes regularly to him," a source quoted the jail warden as saying.

Sources said he did not receive any medicine and injection from the doctor.

However, the family will apply to the authorities again to have him treated outside, said the source.

U Tun Nyo was arrested with the other Shan leaders for defamation of the state, association with illegal parties and conspiracy against the state. He was sentenced at Buthidaung prison, Araken State. The Shan leaders were also separately imprisoned.

       * Maj-Gen Hso Ten                               106 years                   Khamti prison
       * Khun Tun Oo (Hkun Htun Oo)          93 years                     Putao prison
       * Sai Nyunt Lwin,                                    5 years                       Kalay, Sagaing division.
       * Sai Hla Aung                                       79 years                      Kyaukphyu prison
       * U Myint Than                                        79 years                      Sandoway prison (died on 2 May 2006)
       * U Tun Nyo                                            79 years                      Buthidaung prison
       * U Nyi Nyi Moe                                      79 years                      Pakokku prison
       * Sai Myo Win Tun                                 79 years                      Myingyan prison
       * Sao Tha Oo                                         12 years                       Released