SSA-N leader denied eye treatment

SSA-N leader denied eye treatment
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Hseng Khio Fah
The leader of the Shan State Army (SSA) North and Chairman of the Shan State Peace Council, Maj-Gen Hso Ten, who was sentenced to a 106-year jail term on November 3, 2005 along with other elected Shan leaders, has been suffering from eye ailment, but he is being  denied an eye check up, according to the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), the party that won the 1990 elections in Shan state.

The leader of the Shan State Army (SSA) North and Chairman of the Shan State Peace Council, Maj-Gen Hso Ten, who was sentenced to a 106-year jail term on November 3, 2005 along with other elected Shan leaders, has been suffering from eye ailment, but he is being  denied an eye check up, according to the Shan Nationalities League for Democracy (SNLD), the party that won the 1990 elections in Shan state.

"He cannot distinguish between red and green colours," said Sai Lake, the SNLD spokesperson.

There is no response from the junta authorities though the family applied to the jail warden repeatedly to have his eyes operated upon, he told SHAN.

"We [SNLD] also sent a letter to the authorities for his treatment. We are worried he may go completely blind."

Meanwhile other elected Shan leaders Hkun Htun Oo, Sai Nyunt Lwin, Sai Nyi Nyi Moe, Sai Myo Min Htun, Sai Tun Nyo, and Sai Hla Aung were also refused treatment, according to Sai Lake.

The Shan leaders were arrested for defamation of the state, association with illegal parties and conspiracy against the state. Those separately imprisoned are:  

    * Maj-Gen Hso Ten                               106 years                                  Khamti prison
    * Khun Tun Oo (Hkun Htun Oo)            93 years                                   Putao prison
    * Sai Nyunt Lwin,                                 85 years                                   Kalay, Sagaing division.
    * Sai Hla Aung                                      79 years                                   Kyaukphyu prison
    * U Myint Than                                     79 years                                   Sandoway prison (died on May 2, 2006)
    * U Tun Nyo                                          79 years                                  Buthidaung prison
    * U Nyi Nyi Moe                                   79 years                                  Pakokku prison
    * Sai Myo Win Tun                                79 years                                  Myingyan prison
    * Sao Tha Oo                                         12 years                                   Released

Khun Tun Oo's brother, Sao Oo Kya, was also sentenced to 13 years in prison.