UN efforts deserve support: Harn Yawnghw

UN efforts deserve support: Harn Yawnghw
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The UN operations in Burma, despite the varied outcome, is worth solid support from the people of Burma whose needs are such any assistance, big or small, is a blessing, according to Brussels-based Burma activist Harn Yawnghwe.

The UN operations in Burma, despite the varied outcome, is worth solid support from the people of Burma whose needs are such any assistance, big or small, is a blessing, according to Brussels-based Burma activist Harn Yawnghwe.

"The UN is one of the few friends we have," he said yesterday.
Speaking at the meeting of the border-based Tai Coordination Committee (TCC) that was formed last January as part of the joint struggle to set up a Shan State representative body, he spoke highly of Ibrahim Gambari, Special Advisor to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, and Tomas Ojea Quintana, the new UN Special Rapporteur on human rights in Burma, who recently concluded their separate visits to the military-ruled country.

"Mr Gambari is considered an old hand in dealing with military dictators, his country also having been under military rule," said 60-year Harn, Director of Euro Burma Office (EBO). "Mr Quintana is also a veteran human rights activist. They deserve all the support and advice that we can give."
Both have been lambasted by activists and opposition politicians alike for their "soft approach" to Burma's ruling generals.
Harn urged the TCC members, led by Peunkham Payakwong and Ms Hseng Noung, to consider the consequences of the alternative. "As long as the UN has a role in Burma affairs, there is hope," he said. "Once it runs out of this role, the country will become practically out of sight and out of earshot to the rest of the world."
Harn Yawnghwe is one of the surviving sons of the Sao Shwe Thaike, former Prince of Yawnghwe and later the first President of Burma (1948-1952). He died under mysterious circumstances a few months after being detained at Insein following the 1962 military coup det'at. His late mother Sao Hearn Hkam, the Mahadevi of Yawnghwe, also served as a Member of Parliament and later President of the Shan State War Council (1964-68).