Junta commanders visit Chiangrai

Junta commanders visit Chiangrai
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Burmese commanders of military regions bordering Thailand arrived this morning in Chiangrai to hold the Regional Border Committee (RBC) meeting with their Thai counterparts, according to Thai security sources.

Burmese commanders of military regions bordering Thailand arrived this morning in Chiangrai to hold the Regional Border Committee (RBC) meeting with their Thai counterparts, according to Thai security sources.
Lt-Gen Samrerng Sivadamrong, Commander of the Third Regional Army went to welcome his Burmese guests at Chiangrai airport. The three-day meeting which starts today is to be held at Dusit hotel.
The first part of the day was spent visiting Doitung, Mae Fa Luang district, where a crop-substitution project was initiated by the late HRH Princess Mother.
"The topics are as usual," according to an officer, "Doilang (where the two sides are at loggerheads over a 3-sq km territory), migrant workers and drugs. But something not in the agenda can come up during the meet, as it usually did in the past."
Further details are due to emerge some time this evening.
Thailand and Burma have an agreement to hold regular three level meetings:

  • Township Border Committee (TBC)
  • Regional Border Committee (RBC)
  • Joint Border Committee (JBC)