Junta private arrested for bank robbery

Junta private arrested for bank robbery
by -
Hseng Khio Fah
A Burmese Army private on security duty at the Myanmar Economic Bank in Mongyai, northern Shan State was arrested for robbery in the bank, according to SHAN sources.

A Burmese Army private on security duty at the Myanmar Economic Bank in Mongyai, northern Shan State was arrested for robbery in the bank, according to SHAN sources.

The private (unidentified) aged 30, attached to Infantry Battalion No.  67, based in Mongyai, was arrested with Kyat 4 million (US$ 3390) by the local authorities on July 5, said a source.

The bank is situated near Mongyai market.

 "He stole the money at night, three days before his arrest," a source told SHAN. "He spent 30,000 Kyat (US$25) when the authorities caught up with him and recovered the loot."

The authorities suspect that three or four people were involved in the bank robbery.

The local authorities are still interrogating the private and have prevented any information from leaking out, said a source.

Myanmar Economic Bank is a state-owned bank and has operations in every township in Burma.