Shan State asked for 500 cows, buffaloes for Nargis victims

Shan State asked for 500 cows, buffaloes for Nargis victims
by -
Hawkeye/ Lieng Lern
The eastern region commander has been ordered by the junta from Nyapyidaw to collect funds from the people of Shan State to send 500 cows and buffaloes to Nargis victims in the Irrawaddy delta, according to Southern Shan State sources.

The eastern region commander has been ordered by the junta from Nyapyidaw to collect funds from the people of Shan State to send 500 cows and buffaloes to Nargis victims in the Irrawaddy delta, according to Southern Shan State sources.
On May 22, the Taunggyi-based Eastern regional commander ordered every area operations command in Shan State to collect Kyat 1 million ($800) each to buy cows and buffaloes.
"We just heard from a friendly civil servant. We are yet to hear that they are collecting money from local people. But most of the people are worried their donations would not reach the victims," said a youth from Kunhing Township, Southern Shan State.
Militia leader Mahaja, who owns the SSS Company and had surrendered in 1996 with Khun Sa, was asked to donate Kyat 2 million ($1,600), said a source.
"The Mahaja group went to Laikha, Mongnawng and Kehsi townships to confiscate some cows and buffaloes from the villagers," said a worker.
All the 12 regional commanders have reportedly received the same directive from Naypyidaw.
Donations from the local people have been asked for since Cyclone Nargis lashed lower Burma. However, most reports received by the Shan Herald say people are unwilling to trust the local military officers with their monetary contributions.
According to Naypyidaw, about 137,000 heads of cattle were lost when Cyclone Nargis hit on May 2 and 3.