Burmese junta lambasted in 'Friends of Burma Festival'

Burmese junta lambasted in 'Friends of Burma Festival'
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Hseng Khio Fah
Thousands of people from different organizations, collectively calling themselves as "Friends of Burma" organised a fund raising programme for victims of Cyclone Nargis in Burma on May 20 at 15:00 to 22:0. They talked about the future of the victims, at the Convention Center, Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, northern Thailand.

Thousands of people from different organizations, collectively calling themselves as "Friends of Burma" organised a fund raising programme for victims of Cyclone Nargis in Burma on May 20 at 15:00 to 22:0. They talked about the future of the victims, at the Convention Center, Chiangmai University, Chiangmai, northern Thailand.
Win Min, Chiangmai based Burmese scholar, said, "The junta ignored the cyclone warning from the neighbouring countries. Over two million people were killed and over 200,000 people are homeless.  The regime did not care about the people because they just care for power. For instance, during the Tsunami in Indonesia, Jarkarta allowed everyone to come without visa. Had they followed the Indonesian lead, so many people would not have died."
"They don't' have the capability and equipment. That's why it was so difficult for them to handle it smoothly. They thought that they could handle everything. Right now, it has become the most serious catastrophe in our history."
"In contrast, when the Thai people faced the Tsunami, they had temporary shelters to stay. They received preliminary aid from everywhere. But it is so difficult for people in Burma to receive aid," said Dr. Chayan Watthanphuti.
"Some people from my village say living in a Thai jail is better than living in our home town. I am sure that people from Burma will come to Thailand as migrants. There is no food to eat, no space to stay and cultivate in Burma. How can they live? They just have to seek asylum in the neighboring countries, especially Thailand," said a woman from Shan State.
"On behalf of our people in Burma, I would like to ask all Thai people and all of my friends to have an understanding of our people," she concluded.
Friends of Burma Festival was organized by civil society groups in Chiangmai, Regional Center for Sustainable Development (RCSD), artist friends in Chiangmai, Non Government Organization Coordination Committee for Development in northern Thailand, Northern Youth Development Workers Network, Kabfai Community Theater Group and friends from different organizations that are working on Burma issues in Chiangmai.