Vote "No" posters in Shan State

Vote "No" posters in Shan State
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Hawkeye/Hseng Khio Fah
Vote "No" posters against the junta's draft constitution were pasted in public places in Taunggyi, Panglong and Keng Tung, according to sources.

Vote "No" posters against the junta's draft constitution were pasted in public places in Taunggyi, Panglong and Keng Tung, according to sources.
There were many "No" posters seen in areas like Taunggyi's Ye Aye Gwin Basic Education High School No. (5), Market No. (5), the night market and at the University campus, during the water festival in April, said a student in Taunggyi.

"The posters were put up at night.  The officials from Quarter Peace and Development Council and the police checked each place in the morning. But they did not dare pull it down without permission from top officials of the Township Peace and Development Council (TPDC), the army and the police. Since then, soldiers are patrolling the quarters, roads and lanes day and night," said the student.
The next day, many similar posters were seen at markets, schools, and the electricity posts in Panglong and Keng Tung. There were later torn by the authorities who tightened security.
"The next morning, a truck came along carrying around 50 soldiers who pushed into the crowd and tore down the posters. People were dispersed," said a civilian in Keng Tung.
Thai tourists thought that there was going to be violent protests and came back to Maesai in the morning, according to hotel service personnel in Keng Tung.