ID cards issued in Shan State; voters coerced to support constitution

ID cards issued in Shan State; voters coerced to support constitution
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Residents over 18 years submitting application forms for identity cards were told by immigration officers in Muse, Nang Kham and Keng Tung that they would face problems if they did not support the referendum, said a Shan source.

Residents over 18 years submitting application forms for identity cards were told by immigration officers in Muse, Nang Kham and Keng Tung that they would face problems if they did not support the referendum, said a Shan source.

According to the triangle commander's order on March 9, ID cards will be issued without charges for everybody who is 18 for the May referendum. However, if locals don't support the referendum or keep contact with opposition groups such as SSA, KNU, NCUB, and NLD-LA, they will be jailed for 30 years, said a Keng Tung local who reached the border.

On 13 March, U Myint Zaw, who is the second in-charge in the Nang Kham immigration office, threatened a person signing an ID application saying that if he did not cast a vote in support of the constitution he might face problems later, a Nang Kham local said.

U Myint Zaw is responsible for making ID for villagers from Wan Nar, Kaung Kala, and Ward 4 in Nang Kham.

"Although there is no charge for the ID government employees are asking for the cost of tea. Earlier one had to pay 50,000-60,000 Kyats but now people must pay 5,000-6,000 Kyats for the ID, said a mother of an ID applicant.

Three girls, who are 19 years of age did not get their ID yet when they gave 60,000 Kyat two three months ago, said the local.

"When we asked, they replied that we had to wait for the person who we gave the money to. The person had already gone on a trip. So we had to wait for the person's return. It's already been three months but we have heard nothing. I think the issuing of the ID cards is only for referendum. It's not the same as the previous ID," the girls said.

A second in-charge in Nang Kham immigration office, U Myint Zaw (37) who is half Karen and half Burma is responsible for signing on ID cards for four villages in Nang Kham.

Lieutenant police officer Aung Naing and lieutenant immigration officer U Soe Win Ngwe from Muse held a meeting with village headmen at Hart Hin temple in Kay Khun village and about 100 locals attended the meeting.

At the meeting, police officer Aung Naing said that ID cards will be issued for persons who are 18. He urged locals to cast votes accepting the draft constitution in the May referendum. Or else people will be put in jail for three years with a fine of 100,000 kyat on charges of causing disintegration of the nation. The ID cards are being issued since 10 March, said a Muse local.

On 11 March, Sai Aik Aye who is a general secretary of the USDA and an immigration officer in Muse, district law officer, U Kon Hsai who is EC of Shan state (north) USDA held a meeting at the Muse USDA office. Three representatives from Muse, one from Mann Hero and two from Nang Kham attended the meeting, said a source close to USDA.

"The green colour ID is for men and pink is for women," said a young man from Muse.

At the meeting, discussions related to issuing ID cards, mobilizing people for supporting the draft constitution and training USDA members before the referendum.

Besides, the Pansay militia led by Kyaw Myint held a meeting in Pansay village. He urged locals to cast the "Yes" vote in the referendum. Those going against the constitution would be arrested by the Burma Army and relocated, said a Pansay local.

On 15 March, U Kyaw Thet Han, the second in-charge of the Muse immigration office and Pan Hsai township peace and development council, held a meeting with village headmen and showed them the voting system. They were trained for the whole day to write a correction mark (accept) on a paper and not to write a cross mark (deny). After writing a correction mark on the paper they put it into a ballot box.

"The person who writes a cross mark will be put in jail for three years and fined 100,000 Kyat. The village headman will be arrested if his villagers do not vote or writes a cross mark on the paper. The ID cards were issued on 15 March in Pan Hsai, said a trader from Pan Hsai.

Voting places and guards have already been selected in most parts of northern Shan state. Although the authorities said the guards were locals, in reality USDA members, firefighters, red-cross members and former policemen were selected as guards, said a trader from northern Shan state.