Four PaO groups join up

Four PaO groups join up
by -
Kwarn Lake
Three PaO civilian organizations on 25 February have joined with the PaO National Liberation Organization (PNLO), the armed organization, to expand its central committee. 
Three PaO civilian organizations on 25 February have joined with the PaO National Liberation Organization (PNLO), the armed organization, to expand its central committee.  
The three organizations are PaO National Development Organization (PNDO), PaO Youth Democratic Organization (PYDO) and PaO Women's Union (PWU).
"Having the same objectives and policies made us join without difficulty. All the groups that join can very well represent PaO people. We believe that it will help us more in implementing our policies and working more effectively for our people," said the General Secretary of PNLO Khun Thurain.
"There are several different ethnic groups in Shan State. Unity is the key to achieve freedom and peace in the state. So, it is important to be united among the ethnic groups. But firstly, we must win unity in our own individual ethnic group as the first step in order to be united with all others, "he added. 
There are still other PaO orgaizations on the border area that did not join the PNLO. 
"PaO People's Liberation Organization (PPLO) has an observer status. Other groups were not ready to join since there was no time for them to discuss. We will work hard to persuade other PaO organizations.  Also, PaO groups inside Burma have similar aims and objectives like us but their method is not the same," he continued referring to PaO political parties and ceasefire groups.  "However, I hope we will meet and can join together in the future for a democratic country."
PNLO is a splinter group of Shan State Nationalities Peoples' Liberation Organization (SSNPLO) that concluded a ceasefire pact with Rangoon in 1994.  There are about 600,000 PaO people in Shan State.