Mongyang Municipal Worker Kills Three in Explosion

Mongyang Municipal Worker Kills Three in Explosion
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Translated by BNI

Three people died and five were injured when U Thein Zaw, a municipal worker, detonated two explosive devices at his home in Kyine Hin Ward, Mongyang Township in Eastern Shan State on 23rd October.

Sai Khan Nu, a resident of Mongyan, said a visitor from Tachileik Township, a municipal worker and a sergeant from Infantry Battalion 281 were killed in the explosions.

She said U Thein Zaw and his wife Daw Nan Nu had been having family problems and they had been in court trying to resolve the situation.

When they returned home from the court U Thein Zaw detonated the devices in his house whilst people there were preparing for lunch. Two people died in the house. A third person, who was just leaving, was injured in the neck and managed to run into the street before they also died.

U Thein Zaw then jumped out of an upper window and broke both his legs.

Daw Nan Nu and three other occupants of the house were also injured. They are in Mongyang Hospital receiving treatment.

U Thein Zaw is being held in Kyaington Jail.

Lone Sai, 50, a neighbour said: “His bombs were not military ones, they were strange. They were small and round but produced a very powerful explosion. Where does a municipal worker get a bomb from? Bombs in Burma have injured other municipal workers but that is because bombs are usually left in dustbins.”

Mongyang township lies east of the Salween river about 102 kilometers north east of Kyaington Township.