Burma military intelligence raids RCSS liaison office in Keng Tung

Burma military intelligence raids RCSS liaison office in Keng Tung
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CHIANG MAI-May 7, Burma’s Military Affairs Security (MAS)—formerly known as Military Intelligence—  along with members of Burma’s army and police forces raided the Restoration Council of Shan State’s (RCSS/SSA) liaison office in the eastern Shan State capital of Keng Tung on May 6, 2014.

Around 20 MAS personnel, police officers, and army soldiers were involved in the operation. The RCSS/SSA liaison officer in Keng Tung, Sai Soe Mong, was also summoned to a MAS office during raid.

Sai Soe Mong said: “I was summoned to the MAS’s office. When I was there, they (MAS, police and soldiers) raided and searched my office. I requested to leave, but I was not allowed to.”

Sai Soe Mong was detained for 4 hours at the MAS office, and by the time he was released the raid team had already finished their mission. Sai Soe Mong told S.H.A.N. that “Such action could affect our trust. In fact, if they would like to investigate, they should give a warrant and inform us. Now, the police, the spies (MAS) and soldiers raided our office while we were building peace. We should solve the matter peacefully and politely.”

He then added: “According to our Shan culture, we take off our shoes before entering a house, but Burma Army did not listen to us.” RCSS/SSA has opened 6 liaison offices across Shan State after it reached a ceasefire with Naypyitaw in late 2011.