State MP demands cut from oil-gas pipeline returns

State MP demands cut from oil-gas pipeline returns
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Nang Kham Aye, regarded as one of the boldest woman MPs, has called for a 5% cut from the proceeds of the ongoing Sino-Burmese oil-gas pipeline project under construction for Shan State.


“Local people, in whose land the pipelines are passing through, are suffering and compensations have not be sufficient,” she told the Shan State Assembly which met on 25 September.

She was reportedly advised by the state assembly conveners to list her statement as an inquiry. But the 47 year old native of Mongyai, and MP for Namtu Constitutency # 2, insisted it should be listed as a proposal to be debated during the ongoing session.


Nang Kham Aye first made the headlines on 29 February, when she reported the state assembly on official corruption in the oil-gas pipeline compensation scheme. When a minister stood up to object her charge, she refused to be browbeaten but demanded the minister concerned launch an official investigation instead.


The Shan State Assembly also approved the appointment of U Aung Kyaw Nyunt, 46 Union Solidarty and Development Party MP, Lawkzawk Constituency # 1, as Minister for Economics and Planning. He is succeeding U Thaung Shwe, who resigned in July, 2011, after a drug scandal that involved his family members. Chief Minister Sao Aung Myat later nominated retired Col Aung Maung to take over, but was opposed by both elected and appointed MPs