MNDF-LA will not support election 2010

MNDF-LA will not support election 2010
The Burmese military junta sponsored ensuing  general election in 2010 will not be supported, it was stated by the Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF-LA) during the 20th anniversary of its founding held on the Thai Burma border...

Sangkhlaburi – The Burmese military junta sponsored ensuing  general election in 2010 will not be supported, it was stated by the Mon National Democratic Front (MNDF-LA) during the 20th anniversary of its founding held on the Thai Burma border.

The MNDF-LA's Joint Secretary General Nai Hong Mon said, "support to the elections scheduled for 2010 is not an acceptable way forward". The MNDF also called the international community to isolate the SPDC government and support a peoples' movement towards democracy.

The 20th   anniversary of the MNDF was attended by Mon National Democratic Front (Liberated Areas) with distinguished guests and democratic friends on October 11.  Buddhist monks also led in the blessing for civilians who have been facing hardships under the brutal regime.

In March before the referendum, the MNDF (LA) urged the Burmese military junta to comply with the United Nations Security Council to initiate a tripartite dialogue with the opposition and the ethnic nationalities.  The MNDF-LA also urged Mon people not to approve the draft constitution which would only legitimatize the power of the military to rule the country.

With larger participation by politicians and youths the MNDF-LA was formally founded in Maesot in September this year led by an exiled MP, Nai Thaung Shein and other MNDF members who fled Burma.

The MNDF played a major role among the Mon population and won five seats in the 1990 general elections. The MNDF leaders inside Burma recently discussed the ensuing general elections in 2010 during the honouring ceremony for Mon national leader Nai Thein Maung, in Paung, Mon State.