Burmese army provides "security," intimidates people at large Buddhist festival

Burmese army provides "security," intimidates people at large Buddhist festival
Security forces, under the direction of the Burmese army's South Eastern Regional Command, beefed up security at last week's “Long Bebin Kaloin” festival in Moulmein Township, northern Mon State. The festival is one of the biggest ...

Security forces, under the direction of the Burmese army's South Eastern Regional Command, beefed up security at last week's “Long Bebin Kaloin” festival in Moulmein Township, northern Mon State. The festival is one of the biggest mass donations to monks from the area, and was surrounded by a disproportionate number of troops.

The festival, held on September 13th, takes place along the road that joins Pha-Out and Rogo villages. Troops in full uniform stood guard two-hundred meters back from the roadside, a monk who in charge of the festival told Kaowao.

Even though the committee of the festival appealed to have the troops withdrawn, the commander replied that the troops for the security of military families, and would remain until the festival's end.

This is not the first year the families of military members have joined the festival. It was, however, the first year the army had such a strong presence, said the monk.

"This is not the only year of this festival. Many monks joined in the previous year also. The troops made people afraid, like they were doing something wrong. But they were only donating to make merit. We hold this festival every year, it concerns our religion. It is just a religious observance, there is no need to show security like this," said the monk.

The festival was joined by over 7,000 monks from over one hundred of monasteries, including Sein Mama, Ye Kyaung, Out Bago and Shin Phyu monasteries from Moulmein, Mudon, Kyait Mayaw and Bee Lu Gyun Township.