SPDC may force diversity alongside reconciliation: NMSP

SPDC may force diversity alongside reconciliation: NMSP
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The plans of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) may force diversity alongside reconciliation with political minorities in Burma, one of the ethnic ceasefire groups, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) has warned the junta on the 61st Anniversary of Mon Revolution Day.

The plans of the State Peace and Development Council (SPDC) may force diversity alongside reconciliation with political minorities in Burma, one of the ethnic ceasefire groups, the New Mon State Party (NMSP) has warned the junta on the 61st Anniversary of Mon Revolution Day.

The constitution is necessary to move away from a military government to a civilian one, but will only stand the longer test of time with the support of the people, including political groups across the country.  It may force successful reconciliation and continued diversity among the ethnic groups who stand by the 'triple type dialogue' to solve political problems, the NMSP warned on Aug 16 in it's statement marking the Anniversary of Mon Revolution Day.

The NMSP has had a ceasefire agreement with the Burmese military government since June 29, 1995 seeking to solve political problems with triple type dialogue: military regime, democratic groups and ethnic groups.

But they have yet to decide on how to respond to the SPDC-sponsored 2010 elections.

"The decision depends on the activities of the military government in how to organize and reform their party for military election as well as how to stand on the political stage," the statement said.

The NMSP marked the revolution day at their headquarters, Moulmein and in their control area, the Japanese Well (Plaing Japan) Village at Three Pagodas Pass and other divisions. NMSP Chairman and Vice-Chairman, Nai Htaw Mon and Nai Rot Sa attended at the ceremonies at the NMSP headquarters.

Party chairman, Nai Htaw Mon urged Mon people to understand that it's time to reach their goals through cooperation with the international community and other ethnic groups who are in the same position. Over 700 participants joined  the anniversary ceremonies at the headquarters and about 3,000 people attended at the Japanese Well in Three Pagodas Pass border town.

About 50 overseas Mon in Thailand gathered in Asia Hotel in Bangkok to commemorate the anniversary in a ceremony organized by Thai-Mon leaders and Mon students.  Some migrant workers were able to attend.  The Mon community from Japan and the USA also marked the 61st anniversary of Mon Revolution Day as well as the Mon National Council based in Australia, the Mon National League for Consolidation and Aiding from Mae Sot, and the Mon Educational Network from Bangkok, who all released statements.