
June 20, 2016

Actually, an Austrian lady Inge Sargent,  known also known as the Mahadhevi Dhusandi due to  her marriage to the late Shan prince or Saohpa of...

June 13, 2016

First regarding the mutual understanding, there is a big gap to be bridged. The military or Tatmadaw and many Bamar political class understanding...

June 13, 2016

These two seemingly unrelated issues are in fact intertwined and even inseparable, which need to be resolved simultaneously, to end the decades-...

June 13, 2016

The draft contains the following headings:

  • Foreword
  • How it came into being
  • The Panglong Spirit
  • The...
Sao Yawdserk shaking hands with Gen Gun Maw on arrival to the meeting, June 2016. (Photo: Tai Freedom)
June 13, 2016

The other EAO that was invited but wasn’t able to make it due to the fact that it coincided with its own long planned meeting was the Chin...

Japan’s Ambassador to Myanmar Mr Tateshi Higuchi. Photo: Hong Sar/Mizzima
June 10, 2016

The interview was conducted by Mizzima Editor-in-Chief Soe Myint at the Embassy of Japan in Yangon.

I would like to start with the bi-...

May 25, 2016

The flared up old issue of “Rohingya”, due to the US ambassador to  Burma, Scot Marciel’s stand point of addressing the chosen nomenclature as it...

May 23, 2016

Let us look into the said two arguments in an objective approach, so that history would be treated as it is and not as we like them to be seen or...

Ambassador of Norway to Myanmar Ms Ann Ollestad. Photo: Hong Sar/Mizzima
May 23, 2016

What would you say are the main areas of focus for Norway-Myanmar relations?

Norway is a long term partner in its support to Myanmar in its...

May 18, 2016

But as he was uttering such affirmative words, elsewhere in northern Shan State and Kachin State, Hpakant areas, military offensives were being...
