A second Chin National Front (CNF) liaison office was inaugurated in Than Tlang, Chin State, on June 29.
The openings of CNF liaison office openings are part of a 15-point charter agreement signed between the government and the CNF during state and union level peace talks in Hakha, the capital of Chin state.
The first CNF’s liaison office was opened in Matupi on June 23.
A third office will be opened in Teddim after preparations are completed.
CNF Secretary General-I Pu Paulsitha told Khonumthung during the period of political transition in Burma, opening the offices will allow for better co-ordination between the government, CNF and local population.
“We agreed during the first phase of peace talks to work towards co-operation between the CNF, government and civilians. The opening of the liaison offices will help us achieve these goals,” said Pu Paulsitha.
Chin State Chief Minister U Hung Ngai was also on hand to help officially open the Than Tlang office which was attended by 400 people.