Military Council’s shelling claims woman's life, damages two houses in Ye Township

Military Council’s shelling claims woman's life, damages two houses in Ye Township

Ma Tin Gyi, a 25-year-old woman, lost her life due to the shrapnel after an artillery shell fired by the regime forces exploded. It also destroyed two houses. in Hnitkayin village in Ye Township, Mon State on June ?

In the morning of that day, an unknown armed group forcefully entered Hnitkayin village, firing warning shots, and proceeded to abduct the village head, U Nay Win Myint.

In the aftermath of that incident, the Military Council's artillery unit, stationed in Weahpei village between Hnitkayin and Mawkanin villages, specifically targeted and launched a barrage of shells onto Hnitkayin village, locals said.

A local told the Mon News Agency that, “ In ward No. 5 of Hnitkayin village, two artillery shells detonated close to the Chinese cemetery At approximately 9:30 am, the cemetery area was struck by two artillery shells, resulting in devastating explosions. “

According to villagers, unidentified armed individuals have been observed and seen moving within ward No. 5 of Hnitkayin village since the morning of June 7th.

“There have been no Military Council forces stationed in the village. The police outpost has been vacant for approximately six months, and there are no militias or any instances of fighting whatsoever”, a migrant worker said.

It has been confirmed by local sources that U Nay Win Myint, who was previously abducted, safely returned home at approximately noon.

Ye Township is currently under martial law declared by the Military Council, leading to frequent clashes between PDF and the Military Council. Regrettably, civilians have been injured and killed due to the indiscriminate shelling carried out by the Military Council, as well as some actions by the PDF, according to locals.

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